- Product Description **Title: Advance your network with the ultimate 2u rack pc case for firewall storage and communications** In today's fast-paced digital environment, the need for powerful and efficient network solutions is more pressing than ever. Hadiran Kpai 2u Cart-Gunung PC Chass parobahan lansekap kanggo perusahaan kanggo ngatur neundeun fatewall sareng kamampuan komunikasi. Designed to meet the demands of modern IT environments, this compact and powerful solution ...
Kadasar Rakep 3u ngadukung 4 Slots Kartu Full-jangkung sareng 3 liang drive optik
Product Description Introducing the 3u rack case: the ultimate solution for your high-performance needs In today's rapidly evolving technology environment, having reliable, efficient storage solutions is critical for any organization. Designed to meet the demands of modern computing environments, the 3U rackmount chassis provides a powerful and versatile platform for your essential hardware components. Sacara saksama dirarancang Rackmount chassis ngadukung opat liang kartu full-jangkungna, ... -
- Product Description 610L480 is a standard 19-inch rack-mounted industrial computer case with a height of 4U, which is made of high-quality Masteel flowerless galvanized. Desain artra, padet, kompak sareng akal, sareng pamasangan sareng operasi aya operasi. Dina waktos anu sami, éta tiasa ngadukung dua 5.25 CD sareng salah sahiji waktos 3,5 inci, sareng ngadukung jasa listrik ATX. Produk sacara bérés dianggo dina ausironal industri, komunikasi, kakuatan listrik, Kaamanan Stress, intelekal ...
Kustomisasi 6 atanapi 8 kartu server grafik GPU
Product Description Innovative customized 6 or 8 graphics card server GPU mining case breaks the boundaries of the cryptocurrency mining industry introduce: An innovative technology company is redefining the world of cryptocurrency mining with the groundbreaking launch of a custom 6 or 8 graphics card server GPU mining chassis . Bérés hardarar perararevarap ieu pikeun langkung ngalangkungan kana crig ngeusian tradisional ku ngoptimasi sareng ningkatkeun prestasi pertambangan sagalana. Hayu urang delve kana detailna ...