Kasus Rak
Bisi Rack Cai-4 Kajat 19-inci USBD3.0 Pikeun 120 \ 240 \ 360
Product Description **Title: The Future of Cooling: Exploring the Advantages of a Water-Cooled 4u rack case** In the ever-evolving world of technology, efficient cooling solutions are essential to maintain optimal performance in high-density server environments. Salah sahiji solusi anu paling walabah nyaéta kasus rak korop cai di cai kelas 4U. Designed to fit into a standard 19-inch rack, these chassis not only provide superior cooling capabilities but also enhance the overall functionality of your serve... -
Kontrol industri Chassis 4u Béntang Tinggi-Ended Commed Comment Box Come Lawang Belanja Lebaran Lebaran 9 * 3,5
Product Description **Revolutionizing industrial computing: Launch of new 4U high-end rack server case** In an era when industrial automation and data management are crucial, the launch of the latest 4U high-end rack server computer case will definitely change the landscape tina komputasi industri. Kasus Serval Inovatif parantos dirancang pikeun nyayogikeun syarat anu stratent anu, ngagabung kaen, pengecurunan. ** Ningkatkeun feat kaamanan ... -
Filter Clas Flobe Blow Blow Blown
Katerangan produk anu sering ditaroskeun patarosan ngeunaan panyalindungan lebu kipas anu tiasa dicabut dina kasus atx hideung 1. Naon saringan bilih kipas? The fan filter is a removable component designed to prevent dust and debris from entering the interior of your 4U ATX Case through the air intake. Éta ngabantosan ngajaga komponén internal beresih sareng lebu-bébas, ningkatkeun kinerja sadayana sareng umur panjang sagi anjeun. 2. Kumaha cara pembaruan kipas? Filter Bus Cipus biasana dilakukeun tina bahan bolong anu saé anu néwak ... -
Baluk Gunung Rack Gunung 4
Product Description The Ultimate Guide to Rack Mounting the 4U300 Industrial Style PC Case with Metal Switches If you are a technology enthusiast or an IT industry professional, you know how important it is to have a reliable and durable PC case. The Metal Switch Rack Mount 4U300 Industrial Style PC Case is the perfect solution for those who are looking for a high quality, versatile and efficient PC case for industrial or commercial needs. Hayu urang caket kana ciri konci sareng Bene ... -
Panyimpen ngawaskeun 4U Standar Standar 19-incmount RackMount
Déskripsi produk 1. Naha kuring tiasa nganggo 250 pondok dina kasus rak 4U pikeun ngadukung 170 * 215 motherboard? Leres, pondok 250 ngadukung 170 * 215 motherboard sareng anu cocog sareng 4u rak datas. Desain kompak tina 250 anu pondok ngamungkinkeun éta pas sampurna kana kasus rack anu 4u tanpa masalah. 2. Naon ukuran motherboard anu ngadukung 170 * 215? Rojongan 170 * 215 215 sareng ngagaduhan ukuran anu kompak 250mm x 170mm x 215mm (panjang x lebar). Ieu ngajadikeun éta idéal pikeun rack compacter bo ... -